Thursday, October 15, 2009

Killing words

Words for the killing of other people (Murder)

amicicidekilling of a friend
Brahminicide, Brahmanicidekilling of a Brahmin
Christicidekilling of Christ
episcopicidekilling of a bishop
femicide, gynaecidekilling of a woman
feticide, foeticidekilling of a fetus
hereticidekilling of a heretic
homicidekilling of any human being
hospiticidekilling of a guest or a host
hosticidekilling of an enemy
infanticidekilling of an infant
modernicidekilling of a modernist
philosophicidekilling of a philosopher
prenticecidekilling of an apprentice
regicidekilling of a king
senicidekilling off of old men
tyrannicidekilling of a tyrant
vaticidekilling of a prophet

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