Thursday, October 15, 2009

Killing word

Words for mass killing & destruction

ecocidedestruction of the entire natural environment
ethnocidedestruction of an entire culture
genocidedestruction of an entire national, ethnic or religious group
mundicidedestruction of the entire world
onmicidedestruction of all living things
populicidekilling of all people
speciocidedestruction of an entire species

killing words

Words for the killing of insects

acaricide, miticidekilling of mites
adulticidekilling of adult insects
anophelicide, mosquitocidekilling of mosquitos
aphidicide, aphicidekilling of aphids
apicidekilling of bees
arachnidicidekilling of spiders or scorpions
blatticidekilling of cockroaches
cimicidekilling of bedbugs
culicidekilling of gnats or mosquitos
formicidekilling of ants
insecticidekilling of insects
larvicidekilling of insect larvae
lousicide, pediculicidekilling of lice
muscicidekilling of flies
pesticidekilling of pests
pulicide, pulicicidekilling of fleas
tickicidekilling of ticks

Fighting word

cynartomachybear-baiting using dogs
duomachya duel or fight between two people
gigantomachya war of giants; especially, the fabulous war of the giants against heaven
hieromachya war between members of the clergy
hoplomachyfighting while heavily armoured
iconimachyhostility to the worship of images or icons
logomachya battle of words; a dispute about words
monomachysingle combat; a duel
naumachya mock sea battle put on by the Ancient Romans; a naval spectacle
pneumatomachydenial of the divinity of the Holy Ghost
poetomachya contest or quarrel among poets
psychomachyconflict between the body and the soul
pygmachyboxing; fighting with clubs
pyromachyuse of fire in combat
sciamachyfighting with a shadow; a mock contest; an imaginary or futile combat
symmachyfighting jointly against a common enemy
tauromachythe art or act of bullfighting
theomachywar amongst or against the gods, as in the Homeric poems
titanomachythe war of the Titans against the Olympians

Killing words

Words for the killing of other people (Murder)

amicicidekilling of a friend
Brahminicide, Brahmanicidekilling of a Brahmin
Christicidekilling of Christ
episcopicidekilling of a bishop
femicide, gynaecidekilling of a woman
feticide, foeticidekilling of a fetus
hereticidekilling of a heretic
homicidekilling of any human being
hospiticidekilling of a guest or a host
hosticidekilling of an enemy
infanticidekilling of an infant
modernicidekilling of a modernist
philosophicidekilling of a philosopher
prenticecidekilling of an apprentice
regicidekilling of a king
senicidekilling off of old men
tyrannicidekilling of a tyrant
vaticidekilling of a prophet

Killing words

Words for the killing of animals

apricidekilling of boars
avicide, birdicidekilling of birds
bovicidekilling of oxen
canicidekilling of dogs
cervicidekilling of deer
ceticidekilling of whales
elephanticidekilling of elephants
felicidekilling of cats
gallicidekilling of fowls
gallinicidekilling of poultry
hirudicidekilling of leeches
lupicidekilling of wolves
macropicidekilling of kangaroos
molluscicidekilling of snails/molluscs
muricidekilling of shellfish
ovicidekilling of sheep
perdricidekilling of partridges and peafowls
piscicidekilling of fish
raticidekilling of rats and mice
rodenticidekilling of rodents
serpenticidekilling of snakes
siblicidekilling of siblings in animal groups
talpicidekilling of shrews
tauricidekilling of bulls
ursicidekilling of bears
vaccicidekilling of cattle
vermicidekilling of worms
verminicidekilling of vermin
vulpicidekilling of foxes

Killing words

Words for killing plant life

algaecide, algicide killing of algae
floricide killing of flowers
fungicide killing of fungi
herbicide, phytocide killing of plants
sporicide killing of fungal spores
killing of weeds

Killing Word

Words for the killing of one's relations

filicide, prolicidekilling of one's offspring
fratricidekilling of one's brother or sister
mariticidekilling of one's husband
matricidekilling of one's mother
parenticidekilling of one's parent(s)
parricidekilling of a parent or other close relative
patricidekilling of one's father
sororicidekilling of one's sister
suicidekilling of oneself
uxoricidekilling of one's wife

Life of a scientist

haha .. I wrote this poem about 3 years ago...

A life of a scientist is tough,
and while working their hands become rough.

Whether it's a work of Physics , Chemistry or Biology,
They need Technology .

They are intelligent,
but most of their experiments succeed by contingent.

They require energy
to invent new technology.

And while showing their technology to the world,
they are not in a state to say a word.

And if their technology is accepted,
they get a Noble prize awarded.

-by Chirag Jain